Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that replaces hormones when your body no longer produces enough due to aging or medical conditions. HRT can relieve unpleasant menopause symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and sleep problems in peri- and postmenopausal women. HRT may also prevent bone loss and fracture.
HRT provides effective relief from troublesome menopausal symptoms that interfere with daily life for many women in Ada. It can significantly reduce hot flashes and night sweats. HRT also helps prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis and bone fractures which is a concern for many active, health-conscious Ada women wishing to remain fit and enjoy lakeside activities into older age.
There are some health risks linked to HRT like breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and stroke for certain women. Your Ada healthcare provider considers your individual risk factors. Lower hormone doses, different delivery methods like gels or patches, adding progesterone, and most importantly, using HRT for the shortest effective duration can help minimize these risks.
Consider your severity of menopause symptoms, medical history, risk factors, lifestyle and personal priorities. Have an in-depth discussion with your Ada healthcare professional about your individual situation to decide if HRT’s benefits outweigh potential risks in your case. The goal is to use the lowest effective HRT dose for the shortest time.
Ob-gyns, endocrinologists, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, naturopaths, and other qualified medical professionals can provide HRT in Ada. Seek out an experienced, reputable provider you trust to thoroughly evaluate your health status and clearly explain HRT options suited to your unique needs and circumstances. Your provider partners with you long-term to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your personalized HRT treatment plan.